Something worth writing home about

The best way to become a good writer

Kiwi Yamabushi
2 min readJan 30, 2023
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

The best way to become a good writer is to have something good to write about. The way to get something good to write about, is to experience life.

There’s not much else to it.

I used to loathe writing. In high school whenever we had to write an essay I always put it off till the last possible minute.

Somewhere along the way, this changed completely. I’m willing to bet this was when I did my Master’s degree. At that time I had points to prove, and the only way to do that, was to write a compelling essay. Well, multiple compelling essays.

And I seemed to be somewhat good at it too, if my average grade is anything to go by. But I don’t put that down to my writing ability. I put it down to the fact that we had to consume mountains and mountains of papers. Mountains of papers full of facts, data, and opinions.

Which I lapped up like a dog.

And then had to write about.

When you find something you’re interested in, it’s amazing the lengths you’d go to get your fill.

So besides simply writing, get out there and get experienced. Try your hand at weaving for all I care. Just make sure you do something worth writing about.


Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi on Zao-san. Photo owned by Kiwi Yamabushi.

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